It can be anything it wants

 Property price rises in Norwich were not caused so much by the indigenous population but by rich retirees to begin with and then later because, due to better trains, the city fell within the commuter belt of London. Perhaps one of the reasons for the similarity between Lodz and Birmingham is down to the people. All too often there is a mentality in the air that anything new should fit the old. In Katowice first you are 'from the Slaskie', then you are Polish. It has been European City of Culture and European City of Architecture. Today Glasgow has more art galleries and museums per square mile than any other metropolis in Britain. 1,400 miles apart two populations share the same fierce pride over their identity and the same historic routes as urban areas of heavy industry not far from somewhere much prettier.The first such duo is Warsaw and Lodz who share a mirror image with London and Birmingham respectively.bookshaker.
And like Birmingham transforming 19th century industrial buildings has become viable. But Lublin could go even further. They are the Birmingham, the Glasgow and the Norwich of the past. As with Glasgow the manufacturing base in Katowice disappeared, albeit in the nineties. A derelict brewery has become a shopping centre, a disused cotton factory converted into apartments. According to the Royal Society of Chartered Surveyors they actually rose faster in Krakow than any other European city between 2005 and 2006. The last two pairs are London and Norwich and their counterparts Warsaw and Lublin... Its music and theatre scene is breathtaking. Edinburgh has always been easy for tourists to understand, the architecture instantly likeable and its well-to-do image centuries old.
 There is a quiet resting on laurels, Why do you need to try when your town centre is stunning? So true for Krakow and so true for Edinburgh. Glasgow on the other hand was the ugly sister. It is understandable why real estate prices catapulted here. In ten years time it will all be rather obvious but today the history of a few British towns actually provides the elusive crystal ball so many property investors hanker after. The coming of a new international airport and the government's plans to use EU funds as a PVC anti-fatigue mat lever for promoting this area as a tourist destination means it holds far more Eastern promise over the next decade. Old factories lay dormant and the property market stagnated . Both are proud of their home town, both are keen to show visitors "the real city", both have lived through hard times in living memory. On a final note of similarity most British people still think Glasgow is not worth a visit, and most Poles would say the same of Katowice. Old images run deep in every country. In the meantime Lodz went into recession and saw large scale decline to its identity as a manufacturing base. Banks, businesses, law firms and consultancies are all making this city their epicentre for central European operations. In Glasgow you are first a Glaswegian, then you are Scottish and then (perhaps) you are British. A better lifestyle, more countryside, a beautiful centre and a slower pace of life all attracted people out of the capital to the Norfolk Broads and so it could be for Lublin. Once again it is clear that the people often make a town. Lodz is still cheap, but probably not for much longer.
It can be anything it wants, it can be more diverse and more interesting than Krakow. A powerhouse of the industrial revolution with the pollution and poverty that went with The demise of the pollution producing commerce bought poverty but since the turn of the millennium it has been quietly reinventing itself. Unlike Krakow, and just like Glasgow, it has no stereotyping chains. Since the millennium the airport has been one non-stop building site as it tries to keep up with rising demand. Norwich is a sleepy, rural city with a glorious old town and a buzzing student population 115 miles from London.
Today there are plenty of trendy bars and shops but, to steal a Scottish phrase, "all different but the same". In comparison Warsaw boomed from the late nineties onwards and its property prices soared. While Edinburgh is historic, Glasgow is diverse. Head west up the motorway from Edinburgh and you will find Glasgow, do the same from Krakow and you will find Katowice. Krakow is a historical city and while this has brought much wealth it could now become a restraint. Lublin is a carbon copy 101 miles from Warsaw.For solid, reliable and unbiased advice on buying property in Poland get Tim Hill's essential printed guide at ==> http://www. But, like Birmingham, things have started to change. The next pair has to be Krakow and Katowice, uncanny in their relation with Edinburgh and Glasgow. Three cities - Lodz, Katowice and Lublin.



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